What Is Micro-Journaling?

Journaling is a fantastic way to reduce stress, boost self-esteem, and put the fun back into writing. But, for neurodivergent brains, journaling can still seem like a daunting activity, despite all its benefits.

If this sounds like you, or someone you know, you’re in luck! Micro-journaling offers the same awesome positives as regular journaling, without as much time or writing needed. 

Micro-journaling is a journaling practice that involves writing short, focused entries, usually just a few sentences or bullet points, that capture specific thoughts, emotions, experiences, or observations in real-time. The goal of micro-journaling is to provide a quick and easy way to document one's life and reflect on one's thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Having a beautiful journal or notepad to record your thoughts or release your feelings is still an option, even if writing isn’t your favorite thing. 
To learn more about what micro-journaling is, and all its perks, keep reading!

The Joys of Journaling

Journaling is just the same as keeping a diary. This is somewhere safe and private that you can write down your thoughts, feelings, fears, plus your hopes and dreams. Used as a legitimate therapy technique, journaling can improve your mental health, helping with conditions like anxiety or depression.

Keeping a journal can help improve a whole host of areas in someone’s life. Firstly, it can aid communication. Taking the time to formulate your thoughts and how you want to say something on paper first makes it easier to say them to somebody in person. 

Secondly, journaling improves problem-solving. Research shows that writing on paper can help people access more creative areas of their brain, enabling them to approach problem-solving more innovatively.

Thirdly, journaling helps to regulate emotions. Serving as an emotional outlet, a journal can provide some relief when you’re feeling pent-up or stressed. The act of physically getting any negative thoughts or energy out of your body and onto the page can result in you feeling lighter and better in control of how you’re feeling.

Is Journaling for Everyone?

The brilliant thing about journaling is that it doesn’t require expensive tools or equipment. All you need is a pen and a notebook. Even a sheet of paper will do. However, whilst journaling may seem super accessible, those who generally struggling with writing could be put off. 
Neurodivergent brains, for example people with ADHD, dyslexia, or ASD, might have a difficult or frustrating relationship with writing. This is because neurodivergent brains develop differently to neurotypical ones. Colors and visuals tend to be more engaging than written text. It can be a struggle to concentrate for long periods of time on reading and writing, without getting restless or upset.

The physical aspects of writing can also present challenges. People with ASD may, in some cases, find holding a pen or pencil tricky, making writing for longer periods uncomfortable. 

In these ways, journaling may not, at first glance, be for everyone. But, micro-journaling is the perfect alternative!

It has been well-documented that cicro-journaling can be a helpful tool for individuals with neurodivergent conditions, as it can provide an outlet for self-expression and reflection. By documenting their thoughts, emotions, and experiences on a regular basis, individuals with neurodivergent conditions can better understand their own experiences and identify patterns in their behavior and thinking. Micro-journaling can also be used as a tool for coping with symptoms, such as anxiety or stress, by providing a space for individuals to process and reflect on their experiences.

However, it's important to note that every individual with a neurodivergent condition is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's always best to consult with a mental health professional before starting a new self-care practice.

What Is Micro-Journaling?

Of course, there is no right or wrong way to journal. But, there are different techniques and approaches. For example, morning journaling suggests a minimum of three pages of writing. In contrast, micro-journaling is concise, focused, and bite-sized.

Writer, Todd Brison, suggests micro-journaling should be started by writing down the date. This promotes being present and aware of your place in the world. Then, he recommends writing a statement or category, which will be the focus of your writing. You can also use bullet points, known as bullet journaling, to write one word statements about your mood, and how you’re feeling.

Micro-journaling doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process. Anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes a day is enough to feel the benefits. 

Micro-Journaling Benefits for Neurodiversity

Whether your ADHD makes it difficult to write for long periods, or you just don’t enjoy spending too long journaling, micro-journaling can help you unlock some amazing benefits in no time at all.

Using colored pens is recommended with micro-journaling. Since the actual writing is short, it helps to use colors to organize thoughts and feelings. This also makes for a more stimulating activity, which can help those with neurodiverse brains.

Micro-journaling creates a sense of achievement and accomplishment faster than regular journaling. Completing an activity and ticking it off the to-do list can make you feel great. In turn, this helps to boost confidence, which can often be lacking in neurodivergent kids. 

Keeping a micro-journal or bullet journal also helps to foster a sense of self awareness and a relationship with yourself. Some neurodivergent people may struggle with identity, and can frequently question why they are a certain way. Regularly keeping in touch with your emotions through a micro-journal offers the opportunity to learn about yourself and gain a better personal understanding.

Micro-Journaling with Cali & Caro

We’ve listed just some of the amazing advantages and brain benefits of micro-journaling here. If you want to find out what the other benefits are, give it a try for yourself!

At Cali & Caro, we endeavor to empower all types of brains to enjoy life with less stress, stronger self-esteem, and boosted confidence. Explore our online shop now, and find everything you need to start micro-journaling.

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