Metallic 3-Subject Faux Leather Journal with Tab Dividers

Metallic 3-Subject Faux Leather Journal with Tab Dividers


Lined ruling, bullet pages or blank - what tickles your fancy? It matters not, because our ADHD friendly metallic journal has been designed to empower all brains. Inside, you will find one-third of the notebook with lined ruling, another section for bullet journaling and finally some blank doodle pages.

Simple, yet sophisticated journals are available in three metallic colorways: Gold, Silver and Rose Gold. All constructed in soft, vegan leather. Large format can double as a small notebook.

  • Soft-to-touch metallic cover

  • Faux leather

  • 3 journal sections, divided by full-color tabs

  • 7.75” x 10”

  • Section 1: Lined Ruling

  • Section 2: Bullet Pages

  • Section 3: Blank sketch pages

  • 10” x 7.75”

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